Palms Paints

Palm Paints is a comprehensive set of imaging tools capable of
rendering some of the most common varieties of palms.
assorted paints spray realistic fronds with unmatched speed
and visual complexity. They are ideal for 2D & 3D artists
requiring an easy method of painting with detailed accuracy.
There's a version for Photoshop too.

We created the paints with rendering variation in mind. The
80 nozzles, tubes and layer files depict coconut, date and
generic palm fronds in common growth patterns. The palette
includes seasonal, fruited and windblown varieties along with
assorted touch-up paints to enhance artistic control. The new, Photoshop versions add even more precision by letting you create trees using simple drag, mix & match frond compositing. Better yet, they double the resolution.

The DVD contains over 150 pre-painted tree trunks. These date and coconut trunks are Photoshop layers you can drag and drop onto your frond canopy. Painter users will also find the 35 different trunk pattern patterns we used to paint the layered trunks collection. These pressure sensitive pattern paints render custom palm trees using simple linear brush strokes.

Palm Paints is available for only $69.95 and includes our Date Palms tree collection. Bundle & save even more (requires Painter 6-9, Paint Shop Pro
7-10, Photoshop 5-9 or Photo-Paint 8-12). Purchase here