Artist Links
Alan does architectural illustration.
Francisco does architectural illustration.
Nisus does architectural illustration.
Javier does architectural illustration.
Kelly does architectural illustration
Mady's landscaping is amazing.
Markus does architectural illustration
Maria creates fantasy art using Bryce.
Paul uses trees and grasses with Vue.
Philippe does architectural illustration.
Ken won multiple awards for Alision Gulch.
Feri has won awards for his work.
Yvonne works with patterns.
Art, Tips & Techniques
CGArchitect - Leading online magazine for architectural CG artists.
Desktop Publisher's Journal - Excellent info on desktop publishing.
Graphic Design Resources - Tips, tutorials, resources and more.
Graphics Unleashed - Tons of useful info on PhotoPaint.
Paint Shop Pro Interactive Zone - Active group with lots of info.
Planet 3D offers a lot of info on the world of 3D. Great site.
Renderosity - For all things 3D, especially Poser.
Visual Magic Magazine - A webzine with lots of good 3D info.
3D Commune - The artists collective, forums, tutes & downloads.
Terrasource - For everything Terragen, and more.
viz2000 - The leading resource site for viz2000.
Commercial Products, Services & Sources
Adobe - Makers of Photoshop and others.
Corel - Makers of Painter, PSP and PhotoPaint.
Dogwaffle - The animator's best friend.
Terragen - Easy to use, photorealistic landscapes. Huge following too.
Link info? Email us